He is someone that gets it. He is someone who has been there; he has been a CEO and founder of his organization. He is deeply analytical, able to bring both an engineering capacity, as well as an understanding of human dynamics to businesses as they problem solve.
[His engineering thought process paired with his great people skills] I think is something that he brings that is powerful and important to small businesses, particularly those who have a need for an engineer mindset and help either a non-engineer team think more linearly and really hone in on their weaknesses or in helping engineer-minded businesses to think more broadly about how to engage people in their business. But oftentimes, I see small businesses that are either kind of left-brained or right-brained, but the combination is hard to find. I think John has both.
I believe that John has the ability to assimilate into whatever environment he happens to be in at the time in a way that is non-threatening, that is collaborative, and that really sort of reaches in to all of the directors and staff to really kind of get to what the root of the issue or information that is being discussed at the time. It all goes back to integrity and the fact that they are knowledgeable and that they can portray that in a way that makes other people feel comfortable going through even some of the toughest issues in an organization.
The weekly [coaching] structure allowed us to build a trusting relationship, where we could be honest and open in our dialogue about my career, my leadership, and my career search. John helped me formulate a strategy around how to communicate my career and accomplishments. He helped me think about alternative career paths I can pursue. The format was conversational, so it was easy to connect. We played a lot of interview scenarios. It was helpful to critique responses as they happened and find alternative ways to present information. The homework assignments added great topics to start the conversations. It definitely helped to have a “next step” action item to bridge one session to the next. I am more aware about how I talk about myself and my ability to communicate how I can help an organization. I am more aware and practice networking. For example, John led me to several interesting contacts through his private equity work and his association with the Business & Industry Association of New Hampshire.
I believe that John professionally grew his own business, which was in the environmental consulting world… He is very competitive, and he did it in a very thoughtful way, both in terms of growth and exit strategy. He did it in a way that I believe the principals of the organization were very self-aware of both the opportunities and risks within their own organization. For a leader, that is often challenging.
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